Metamask: “Personal address detected. Import the collectible contract address” error while importing an NFT from Opensea

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Metask: “Detected personal address. Importing the collection contract” Error importing an Opensea NFT

I write this article to help solve a problem that many Metamans are facing, especially those who have completed a Buildspace course to create their first intelligent contracts.

Recently, I encountered the same problem while trying to import my new NFT from Opensea using the Metask application. Error message “Detected personal address. Importing the collection contract address” appeared on the screen, indicating that the Metask application is not able to process the transaction due to a user address problem.


To understand why this is happening, let’s dive a little deeper into the way NFTs (non-functioning chips) are created and stored. When creating a NFT using Buildspace or another smart contract platform, it generates a unique digital token representing the property of a particular item. This token is then stored on blockchain.

When you try to import an NFT from Opensea or any other market using Metask, the application must check your personal address to authenticate the transaction and to make sure the NFT owner is actually. However, if the user’s address has changed or is not properly configured, this verification process can fail.


Metamask: “Personal address detected. Import the collectible contract address” error while importing an NFT from Opensea

Fortunately, there are some solutions available to solve this problem:

  • Import your personal address again : Return to Buildpace and reimport NFT using the correct personal address.

  • Update Metask Settings : Make sure Metask Settings are updated to match the new personal address. This involves adding the collection contract address (if necessary) and checking the user’s identity.

  • Use a different wallet : If you are still experiencing, try using a different metamark wallet to import NFT.

Prevention of future problems

To avoid these types of errors in the future, make sure that:

  • Check the personal address regularly by checking Buildspace or other sources.

  • Update Metask Settings and wallet configurations as required.

  • Consider using a separate wallet for importing NFTs to prevent conflicts with other wallets.

I hope this article will help you solve the error “the personal address detected. Importing the collection contract address ”when importing NFT from Opensea using Metask. If you have any other questions or problems, do not hesitate to ask!

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